Healthy wildlife, healthy people, and healthy environments-it’s all connected! Join wildlife veterinarian Dr. Michelle Kneeland and wildlife biologist Vincent Spagnuolo as we explore the interconnections between the people and the issues on the frontlines of wildlife health and conservation today. Whether you are a wildlife professional, a student, or just someone who wants to learn more about wildlife on a deeper level- this is the podcast for you.
Thursday Dec 24, 2020
#6: First Report of Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) in a Wild Animal
Thursday Dec 24, 2020
Thursday Dec 24, 2020
Wildlife veterinarian Michelle and wildlife biologist Vincent discuss the recent news about a SARS-CoV-2 positive wild mink in Utah- the first confirmed case of the COVID-19 virus in a wild animal. They breakdown what’s been happening at mink farms in Europe and the U.S. where COVID-19 has been spreading between captive mink and humans, and how that led to the current zombie mink fiasco in Denmark. How does this all relate back to wildlife conservation, especially for endangered black-footed ferrets which are a close relative of mink?
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Wednesday Dec 09, 2020
#5: Andrea Bogomolni, PhD (Dr. Dre)- Seals as Sentinels of Ecosystem Health
Wednesday Dec 09, 2020
Wednesday Dec 09, 2020
Andrea Bogomolni, PhD is an interdisciplinary community scientist who has dedicated her career to ocean health. She works to understand and mitigate human impacts on marine species, facilitate effective collaborations, and raise awareness of ocean health and the connection to human health. In this episode, we talk about seals and seal health, and what these fin-footed friends can tell us about our own health and the state of the environment we all share. We also hear some of the challenges she’s faced in her career working with marine mammals. And also…exploding whale carcasses.
Check out Andrea’s Website:
The exploding whale of Florence, Oregon:
Research Article on Normal Blood Values in Gray Seals:
Krucik, D. D., Mangold, B., Puryear, W., Keogh, M., Bogomolni, A., Romano, T., ... & Nutter, F. (2020). Serum biochemical and hematologic reference intervals for weanling northwest atlantic gray seals (halichoerus grypus). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 51(1), 228-231.
Link to article: https://doi.org/10.1638/2019-0086
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Website | https://wildlifehealth.org/podcast/
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Friday Nov 27, 2020
#4: Dr. Rob Adamski - Wildlife Rehab: The Good, The Sad, and the Toxic
Friday Nov 27, 2020
Friday Nov 27, 2020
Wildlife Veterinarian Dr. Rob Adamski shares his stories and experiences from the world of wildlife rehabilitation. For example, what happens if a wild animal accidentally eats something highly toxic like lead or rat poison? What’s the difference between a wildlife rescue and a kidnapping? And how can wildlife rehabilitation centers contribute to wildlife health and conservation on a population level- in addition to treating animals on an individual basis?
Episode Notes
To learn more about wildlife rehabilitation and how to get involved, visit the National Wildlife Rehabilitators Association (NWRA): https://www.nwrawildlife.org/page/Careers_EnterField
For More Info on Lead Poisoning in Wildlife:
Lead Toxicity: A Threat to Wildlife
Lead Contamination in Wildlife
For More Info on Rodenticide Toxicity in Wildlife:
Cornell Wildlife Health Lab- Rodenticide Toxicity
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Website | https://wildlifehealth.org/podcast/
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Friday Nov 27, 2020
#3: Ellen Martinsen, PhD - The Maven of Malaria in Wildlife
Friday Nov 27, 2020
Friday Nov 27, 2020
Ellen Martinsen, PhD is a leading researcher of malaria parasites in wildlife. These are microscopic parasites that live in the blood, and while tiny in size they can cause big problems. These parasites are found in wildlife on almost every continent, and maybe even in your own backyard. In this episode, Ellen breaks it down for us and shares some of her most surprising research findings. I also catch up with her graduate student Alyssa Neuhaus who tells us what it’s like working with Ellen, and explains what human cadavers have to do with it all.
Episode Notes:
University of Vermont Malaria Parasites Lab:
Science Advances Article- Hidden in plain sight: Cryptic and endemic malaria parasites in North American white-tailed deer
National Audubon Article- Bird CSI: A Loon, a Swollen Spleen, and a Mysterious Disease
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Website | https://wildlifehealth.org/podcast/
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Friday Nov 27, 2020
#2: Wildlife Vet Dr. Mark Pokras on the Origins of Conservation Medicine
Friday Nov 27, 2020
Friday Nov 27, 2020
Our first guest is my long-time mentor and friend, Dr. Mark Pokras. Mark is a wildlife veterinarian with 5 decades of experience working on everything from pathology, ecotoxicology, clinical wildlife medicine, zoo medicine, research, teaching, and too many other things to list. In this episode, Mark describes his incredible path to becoming the wildlife vet that he is today, and his role in developing the field of Conservation Medicine.
Conservation Medicine Programs Around the World:
Tufts University:
University of Edinburgh:
Murdoch University:
Saint Louis Zoo Institute for Conservation Medicine:
Improving Diversity & Inclusion in Veterinary Medicine:
National Association for Black Veterinarians:
A Profession in Crisis: Discrimination in Veterinary Medicine
Connect with Us!
Website | https://wildlifehealth.org/podcast/
Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/wildlife_health_connections/
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Thursday Nov 26, 2020
#1: An Intro to the Podcast
Thursday Nov 26, 2020
Thursday Nov 26, 2020
Hosts Michelle (wildlife veterinarian) and Vincent (wildlife biologist) introduce themselves, and explain why they decided to launch this podcast, and why now. What makes wildlife "healthy," and why is wildlife health especially important today during the COVID-19 pandemic?
Connect with Us!
Website | https://wildlifehealth.org/podcast/
Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/wildlife_health_connections/
Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/WildlifeHealthConnections
Thursday Nov 26, 2020
Thursday Nov 26, 2020
Thursday Nov 26, 2020
Welcome to the Wildlife Health Connections Podcast- We're so glad you found us!
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Website | https://wildlifehealth.org/podcast/
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